Today we are going to use tablets for English E-learning lesson!
We are so excited!
Thank Boo's auntie for sharing with us the candies from another country! It cheers us up!
There are a lot of babies coming to join our lesson!
We are nervous because we would like to give them a good impression!
They are very clever!
For us, being big brothers and sisters, we work together to learn new knowledge. Through E-board and tablet, we are exposed to different content and diversified activities to help us understand!
We are all focus on the lesson content and try hard to acquire new knowledge! Babies from different kindergarten are doing great too!
We can always be the best!
We are improving and learning!
Thank LSTS for providing a chance to learn with tablets.
Thank Pearson staff for assisting us in our lessons!
Thank all 1B babies for working so hard and being so patient and concentrated!